The ASPCA's "Advocacy Brigade" allows users to write or e-mail their legislators on important animal legislation bills and referendums.
With one click, users of Pluck can save Web bookmarks into an online folder or e-mail them to others.
It allows users to view recordings in a mode that automatically skips commercials, and it allows users to e-mail copies of their recordings to 15 other ReplayTV 4000 owners using an Internet connection.
And it has given itself permission to send users e-mail marketing messages on behalf of its own growing family of services, even if those users had previously asked not to receive any marketing from Yahoo.
For instance, the 9/11 hijackers may have communicated globally through steganography software, which lets users e-mail, say, a baby picture that secretly contains a 300-page compressed document or even a voice message.
Kodak has recently introduced a camera that allows users to e-mail photos directly from the camera.
Each Kindle already comes with its own e-mail address so users can e-mail files to themselves.
A no reply to an invitation that was sent recently through the Web site, where users can customize and e-mail free invitations, read: