The Rock Phish toolkit enables non-technical users to easily create and implement phishing attacks.
Notational and operative assumptions can change control systems if the users implement, fom a different culture than the designers, funnel interpretations from their original world view.
For a user to be able to use OpenID to log into a website, that website must implement OpenID.
Over 1,200 customers with over 21,000 users have implemented ProfitKey software in the United States, Canada, Europe and the Far East.
Retix claims version 1.4 allows users to implement enterprise wide messaging without the need to change existing software and systems.
Recently some users have implemented the simplex repeater system, a cheap and easy way to extend the radio range by using extra radios connected to a small repeater controller.
Nimbula Director is a cloud operating system software solution that allows users to implement IaaS (infrastructure as a service) style private, public and hybrid clouds.
GAMS facilitates the users to implement a sort of hybrid algorithms combining different solvers in a seamless way.
The user can also implement custom types called classes (similar to structures).
LiveAction provides real-time routing layer visualizations that allow the user to see and troubleshoot routes and implement policy-based routing.