The user launches the Java applet from a web page.
The resulting combination allowed users to launch the hook over a greater distance than if it had been thrown, thus allowing them to scale higher places.
There was an issue where a user would launch a game, and during the 'Attempting Login' screen, could not select the 'Cancel' button.
The user can launch items located in a special folder, called "Speakable Items", simply by speaking their name (while the system is in listening mode).
Lastly, a 'batch' is a collection of analyses a user launches simultaneously.
Instead of logging onto your web browser each time, users could just launch the application and immediately access their media information.
The notification appears in the Notification Bar when the user launches the browser.
The user can then launch a virtualized instance of the application.
The next time the user launches either of those programs, they infect other programs, and the cycle continues.
If disabled, the Finder would quit when the user launched another application, thus freeing RAM for it.