The user can then press a button next to the desired telephone number and a call is made.
The user can also press a button in order to fix the settings to a safe state.
The M2010 actually seems to blush when users press its panel controls, glowing for a moment or two at the touch.
If the processor was doing some other task when the user pressed a key on the terminal, that data would be lost.
To gain possession, the user must press a series of buttons that appear on the screen.
Some keyboard shortcuts require the user to press a single key or a sequence of keys one after the other.
To talk on the system, users must press a button on the handset.
In addition the camera does not take a photo if you hold down the camera button - the user must press and release quickly.
The user then must press the center button on the iPod to begin the workout.
As a result, users may press on the keypad harder because they are not being provided with any feedback that the key has been pressed.