The user can program what ratings they do and don't want to enter their home.
The user can program these shutdowns to occur 1 to 255 minutes after the machine's activity ceases., and Shoutcast also allow users to program their own stations, to which other listeners can tune in.
The MouseWare software, included, allows users to program the eight buttons on the mouse to meet the needs of different games.
By pressing buttons along rows and columns, users can program melodies like plotting notes on a scale.
Patch editors allow users to program their equipment through the computer interface.
Altera specializes in chips that users can program on their own.
Accidental emergency calls are even more likely if the user has programmed the emergency number into the phone's contacts or speed dial.
Another fast-growing product area is chips that users can program themselves.
Sure, the company goes after young people with Fox TV, but in this community site, the users program their own universe.