When the pin is pulled, the user must pull hard enough to straighten the pin as it comes out.
Assuming that some reference is considered to be useful, such as a basic country reference, users pull information from it when they have a question.
First, it allows users to pull results from collections of visual content without using tags for search.
When the user pulls the handle, the closing pin is pulled, opening the container.
To activate the grenade, the user pulled the safety pin from the fuse assembly.
However, if the user pulls on his end of the rope, the tension increases, gripping the drum.
This happens when the user pulls the door handle to its full extent before the door is unlocked.
To change the display, the user pulls the drawer open again, causing a plastic bar to pull the top picture aside.
The user holds a handle in each hand and pulls the handles apart against the resistance of the springs or cables.
The user pulled the safety pin from the fuse assembly and threw the bottle against the target.