It allows users to rent access to messaging without having to maintain their own server.
The system is based on 1-day, 1-week or 1-year subscriptions, which allows users to rent a bike.
Furthermore, as MP3 Newswire pointed out in its review of the service, users were actually only renting the tracks for that $3.50.
Although users could rent some popular shows like Glee, the majority of iTunes' TV content remained purchase-only.
Layers are very expensive; most users rent them by the hour in establishments resembling cybercafes.
Storage-space users have traditionally rented for short periods, Mr. Scanlon said, most commonly during life changes like divorce or relocation.
Language used is that the user rents the land or goods let or rented out by the owner.
EC2 allows users to rent virtual computers on which to run their own computer applications.
Online book rental refers to a service wherein users rent books via the internet.
All of the rental services allow users to rent a set number of DVD's at a time.