Scanning using technology has an advantage allows the user to be independent in controlling the assistive technology for those with only one voluntary movement.
After preparing a document, a user scanned the text looking for misspellings.
This product enables the users to scan text, hear it spoken aloud and obtain immediate definitions and correct pronunciation.
Here, users can scan for warnings of severe weather around the world and check the latest satellite pictures and even 3-D images of potential hurricanes.
Through the camera the user can scan the ghosts, see the ghosts in augmented reality and of course catch the ghosts.
Or, a user may scan through recent journal articles on the topic.
Either the user must scan through each item on a long list, and scanning becomes tedious.
Allows users to scan products they own and sell them to other users.
The 33-kiosk Seville network allows users to scan menus, view pictures of a restaurant's interior and make and confirm reservations.
During the month of June 2011, according to one study, 14 million mobile users scanned a QR code or a barcode.