You will also have to indicate whether you want to participate in the optional user surveys, which uses to deliver advertising.
Direct marketing and user surveys 7.
Results of user survey and consultation on Corporation Tax statistics (PDF 152K)
HMRC recently conducted a user survey of Capital Gains Statistics between 21 July and 13 October 2011.
HMRC conducted a user survey and consultation on Income tax statistics between 28 April and 29 July 2011.
Please take a few minutes to complete a very short Understanding Taxes user survey.
A user survey conducted by Pacific Media Associates suggests that 2,000 lumens is sufficient for most conference room applications, Mr. Coggshall said.
The deadline for downloading your depository's user survey results is rapidly approaching.
Some public library authorities have gone beyond user surveys to conduct sociological investigations into their communities, so as to draw inferences about reading habits and information needs.
A quibble: at one point, the site would not return results unless I filled out a user survey.