Some appeals try a more user-friendly approach.
Some tradeoffs are involved: expanding the array dynamically to the right is the most user-friendly approach and is good for memory-hungry programs, but it carries a speed penalty.
Some observers say they expect a thinner and more robust body and more user-friendly approach - but it remains unclear whether the gadget will ever be available to buy in Europe.
With its graphical interface, Virtual NanoLab provides a user-friendly approach to atomic-scale modeling.
With the introduction of personal computers, design programs began employing a more user-friendly approach.
That said, we have tried to take an unbiased, user-friendly approach to neighborhood assignments.
This user-friendly approach did not imply that grid-tampering went ignored, or that such activities were approved of.
The New Jersey Historical Society hasn't always taken such a user-friendly approach.
The church has a program of classes to help new members grasp its "user-friendly approach to faith".