We found ourselves at least temporarily at odds with much of organized science, our usual ally in ecological causes.
Business interests supported the Governor without swaying any of the votes of their usual allies in the Legislature.
As a result, he has stirred the wrath, or at least the deep annoyance, of many a usual ally.
The problem is that no American official ever bothered to express the real motivation to the usual allies.
There wasn't time, in fact, to try to round up any of my usual allies.
"There's only one way to find out," said Croft, meeting with his usual allies.
But some of the squatters' usual allies say that an assault on the credit union could backfire, driving away the friends they still have.
President Bush's usual allies, including business groups and insurers, are even more alarmed than the consumer groups.
Ms. O'Brien's usual allies among minorities and in the education community were largely opposed to it.
Chase's usual allies were now speaking more and more of Grant as a replacement for Lincoln.