After fifteen minutes of the usual chatter about flying, families, and the show schedule, the Boss got everyone's attention.
This night the prospects did not bring the usual chatter of anticipation.
Montague had noticed the absence of the usual chatter and friendly cursing.
The topmen hung silent in the rigging, with none of their usual chatter.
She didn't mean to be rude, but she didn't feel up to her usual cheerful chatter.
The three boys were in the back of the Citroen, looking out, but shocked out of their usual chatter.
None of them had fought the slaves before, but the usual chatter was absent.
Both radios began spewing out the usual chatter between controllers and pilots.
Except for Stargirl jabbering in my ear, the usual raucous chatter was absent.
What I meant was that there wasn't any of the usual chatter.