I'll say welcome, and then the usual cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and chitchat.
I ordered my usual cocktail, a Bud, and immediately noticed this very attractive woman a few stools down.
The usual cocktail we give during codes.
There is a short, reasonable wine list, emphasizing Italian bottles and the usual cocktails that have nothing to do with the food.
The organizers had scheduled the usual cocktails at 7, dinner at 8 and ceremony at 9.
He signaled the waitress, and almost immediately she brought over three rounds of his usual cocktail, one for each of them.
Behind him, the sun was setting, the sky's colors bespeaking more than the usual cocktail of additives.
OIL futures settled above $75 a barrel last week, and analysts blamed the usual cocktail of geopolitics and domestic instability.
The spectacular flame, soaring 450 feet high, was conquered by Mr. Adair with his usual cocktail of water and dynamite.
"I mean having a focus, such as a guest artist, poet or musician to talk with everyone after dinner, instead of just the usual cocktails and chitchat."