But it can accommodate regular folk a bit more easily, and regular folk were my usual companions.
She questioned his usual companions discreetly but each thought Baythan had hunted with someone else.
Sharpe ate with his usual six companions who, as ever, were joined by three wives and by Mary.
Behind rode his usual companion, a hard-faced officer whose right cheek was a mass of scars above his brown beard.
His breakfast was ready, but although two places were laid his usual companion was not there.
These young brothers being thus occupied, my usual companions in that family, when I went abroad, were my host or his daughter.
"I know I'm, well, hardly a unicorn's usual traveling companion, shall we say, but he did say it would be all right."
Pickett, his usual companion, had come down with violent dysentery, too bad for him to go out, and Kelly had gone out alone.
Daley attends with Helen, his usual companion.
He was not an ungovernable man, only one whose usual companions were men and women who lived or died as the Baron willed.