Having summoned the ghosts, he moves along to offer a guided tour of modern Spain, making stops at the usual journalistic destinations.
Tourism officials said many of the visitors, particularly those from Europe, were venturing to areas other than the usual destinations.
And they were reluctant to trek into Manhattan, their usual destination for a culture fix.
On went the questions, more probing than usual, about a driver's citizenship, destination, residence, everything.
They carry just enough charts to get them through to their usual destination.
Because the tide was so high, we did not land on New Island, a more usual destination.
It is offering flights to 20 percent of the usual destinations.
Resorts, with their insatiable need for seasonal workers, are the usual destination.
The master of apes came for them after breakfast, and marched them to their usual destination.
The issue lists 40 agencies, each with its price ranges for tours, average group size, breakdown of clientele and usual destinations.