The usual interpretation is that it means "the watchful".
Askel had always been the quiet one-too thoughtful for his own good was the usual interpretation.
The usual interpretation was that a given captain was recognizing the part played by his crew, individually or collectively, in his latest success.
The usual interpretation sees the front section as the shop or workshop and the rear as the accommodation for the shopkeeper.
This is most clearly in the final song "My Way", which with its fast pacing rhythm deviates significantly from the usual interpretations.
More liberal commentators, particularly women, say the usual interpretation reflects the patriarchal practices of the Arabian peninsula.
This is surely a far cry from the grotesque yet ridiculous horns and hooves we immediately call to mind in any usual interpretation of Satan.
"And it defies any usual interpretation of jewelry."
Since there is no time the usual interpretation of quantum mechanics measurements at given moments of time breaks down.
"The joy was the key element that was missing in my usual self-conscious interpretation."