And that is the usual outcome of the intake interview.
The usual outcome is poor, because only 10 - 20% of hepatocellular carcinomas can be removed completely using surgery.
At this stage, death is the usual outcome.
Spontaneous recovery from a hemolytic episode is the usual outcome.
The usual outcome is that the weaker, more dependent individuals are blamed for family problems.
Members of the Michelotti family taken prisoners were killed, a not usual outcome for condottieri battles.
It would have been the usual outcome anyhow, since we reckon descent and inheritance through the female line.
A farewell party was arranged with the usual outcome of everyone remembering a good evening (we have to tell ++).
This is the usual outcome; after making a political show, both sides make accommodations.
Within one to two hours, enough cells will die that rejection of the tooth by the body at a later time is the usual outcome.