Didire Ultmot was slouched on her usual perch overlooking the controls.
He sat in the visitor's chair instead of on his usual perch at her footboard, as if he thought she might not want him too close.
I found them on the way to my usual perch.
And he sat down on the edge of the kitchen table, which was his usual perch when he came on business.
Their first dorsal fin is lower than the usual perch.
Children had knocked the helmet off its usual perch at the lift, then played with it like a basketball.
There it is, in fact on its usual perch, the peak of the dining pavilion.
I set her down on her usual perch and slowly walked in a straight line to the far perch, some ninety feet away.
Wainfleet ignored his usual perch and followed her to a shadowed corner.
He picked his usual perch, a straight-backed yellow chair not far from mine, and spoke to Wolfe in a gloomy tone.