The usual prey of Rhetostica chalcodes, the most common species in the Tucson area, is insects.
The man's neck was no thicker than that of one of the forest duikers which were Pirri's usual prey.
Their usual prey includes tadpoles and glassworms, among dozens of other smaller water-dwelling creatures.
The constant traffic had driven the urfa, the mda's usual prey, away from this end of the valley.
Small flying insects are the usual prey.
Its usual prey are small rodents and birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
He'd followed the trail of animal mutilations looking for his usual prey and come across the wacko kids instead.
Their usual prey is small game - birds, mice, rabbits, squirrels and the like.
An outbreak of rinderpest disease (cattle plague) in 1898 devastated the lions' usual prey, forcing them to find alternative food sources.
Their usual prey is other fish; some are known to feed on squid, octopus, and shrimp.