We just sat and smoked or just sat for our usual exhausted ten minutes, but minus our usual spate of griping-or Sharing, if you want to get gruesome about it.
I was at my desk, trying to cope with the usual spate of papers, when I received a call to see Zeb's boss at my earliest convenience.
After the usual spate of clocks, lamps, bowls and 'anything round' during my learning period, I settled down to specialise in bowls.
The only time Elizabeth managed it was when she was sleeping so deeply that she didn't hear the outcries from Robin's usual spate of nightmares.
The usual spate of shortcomings, caveats and necessary workarounds.
On test day, each team had its usual spate of technical difficulties and, because none of the ships sank, the final winner was chosen by their seamanship, tactics and offensive firepower.
After that, there will be the usual spate of rumors of Morrison being seen in widely separated localities.
No doubt there'd been the usual spate of Friday night burglaries, too.
As for Wilde's own work, there is the usual spate of theatrical productions, as well as at least four planned films of his plays and novel.
Miles exerted himself to ask leading questions of the Escobaran ambassador, and to patiently endure the usual spate of inquiries about his famous father.