Have a uterine infection after childbirth or a septic abortion.
Have you recently had a vaginal or uterine infection?
Long-term: chronic uterine infection, massive scars that can hinder walking for life, fistula formation, hugely increased agony and danger during childbirth, and early deaths.
Leaving a female animal intact may lead to such complications as ovarian cysts, uterine infections such as pyometra, and cancer of the reproductive tract.
Having BV can also increase your risk of getting a uterine infection.
In one study of more than 600 mothers who received up to 12 courses of steroid treatments, more mothers developed uterine infections and their babies were born with significantly smaller heads.
Pyometra is a uterine infection.
Complications involving uterine infection or damage caused by embryo biopsy are extremely rare.
If you have it when you are pregnant, it increases the risk of miscarriage, early (preterm) delivery, and uterine infection after pregnancy.
Midwives use it for a variety of purposes, including uterine tonic and prevention of uterine infection in women, hence the name Motherwort.