It is miles ahead of Debevoise's utilitarian designs.
This time the Defense Department wants cost-conscious companies to produce a utilitarian design and come up with an economical manufacturing plan.
Yet to an observer of a less poetical bent, it had been a utilitarian design, all functional straight lines and circles.
Most stations were built with simpler, less-costly technology; this was not always appropriate, and resulted in utilitarian design.
The Arts and Crafts style emphasized simple, utilitarian design using traditional materials.
It was rough, a utilitarian design sculpted with bricks, like everything under the ground.
They are of a fairly utilitarian 1950s design.
The portion of the building that houses the platforms is of a different, more utilitarian design.
The building has a utilitarian design, simple and rectangular, a style common to commercial and industrial buildings of its construction era.
The hospital bed was the only concession to utilitarian design, a dramatic contrast to everything else.