However, they are primarily constructed as an engineering challenge rather than for any kind of recreational or utilitarian purpose.
This kind of memory is automatic, inscribed within the body, and serving a utilitarian purpose.
This theme sometimes served more utilitarian purposes - there were also some water towers.
He learned that in 1804 handkerchiefs were not carried for the utilitarian purposes of more recent times.
But those things are always done for utilitarian purpose.
Jamie had pointed out that the building must have lesser doors for utilitarian purposes.
They said the baby was not conceived as an end in itself, but for a utilitarian purpose.
Ceramics began to be produced about 3,500 years ago for both utilitarian and ceremonial purposes.
Clearly the Testamenters didn't waste energy on design beyond a sense of strict utilitarian purpose.
In many instances, animal remains point to both decorative and utilitarian purposes.