"Since the building would be visible from all around the lake, we didn't want a flat utilitarian structure," the architect said.
Even the warmth of Serena's expression did not compensate for the utilitarian structure.
Sugar Shack - Built in the 1930s as a utilitarian structure of one-story made from concrete block.
Even the large utilitarian structures down close to the shore followed that general style.
Both of these 1954 additions were bland, utilitarian structures of no particular architectural merit.
There's also a consistent emphasis on restoration efforts, of both historical and utilitarian structures.
It's about as utilitarian a structure as you can get: standard concrete and steel, no ornate design.
Its overall level of decoration is unusually sophisticated for a utilitarian structure.
It was replaced at a cost of £50,000, but the new building was a more utilitarian structure.
The tower is notable for the architectural approach to the design of the fundamentally utilitarian structure.