Chevrolet introduced a more utilitarian style of vehicle the following year under the model designation "Corvair 95".
It was built in a spare, utilitarian style suitable for its purpose.
The station was opened in 1932 and is built in the utilitarian concrete style of the 1930s.
A combination of leather and canvas has an old-school, utilitarian style.
It was constructed in a utilitarian commercial style with reinforced concrete.
Instead, it was built in a utilitarian style, common for small commercial buildings of its time.
The building was constructed in a utilitarian style of the 1960s, and consisted of 6 storeys.
She put up her hair in the regular, utilitarian style, taking no more time on it than she ever did.
Here a cold utilitarian style prevailed and thus the closest residential buildings had been moved 200 miles away.
They came to an older section of campus, some rundown buildings in a more utilitarian architectural style.