Well, the phone line runs from the camper to the utility box.
Two months earlier, he said, he found himself standing in front of a similar green utility box in response to a call for repair.
She fumbled under the dashboard, found a utility box, popped it open.
It also was not immediately clear how many utility boxes are in well-traveled residential and business areas.
I put the clock back into the bag, and walked past the fire exit doors to the bank of utility boxes.
He felt inside the utility box under the dash and found a flashlight.
Tsion heard something upstairs and ran to the utility box to shut down the power.
A small utility box emits a red laser light across the floor of an 18,000-square-foot room.
And all I can think of is the gun inside that utility box by the movie theater.
Warning me to stand back, he pulls a set of keys from his belt and heads for the still semidented utility box.