It could also build support for efforts in Congress to establish a more uniform Federal system for utility deregulation.
The price surge, which lasted two days, made it clear that the volatile new market ushered in by utility deregulation could bring some nasty surprises.
If that happens, the implementation of the proposition - and possibly of utility deregulation here over all - could be tied up for years.
In achieving utility deregulation, California brought together many groups, often with competing interests, and reached an effective compromise.
Large or small, electric companies are moving into the Internet business because of utility deregulation.
California, as everybody now knows, screwed up its electric utility deregulation.
California is generally recognized as leading the way in electric utility deregulation, with residents throughout the state already able to choose among power companies.
We are more vulnerable to a sudden jump in oil prices or the turbulent effects of utility deregulation than the industry goliaths.
The number of American reactors is declining, and the figure may drop faster with utility deregulation.
He got into politics just eight years ago in a sustained rage over what utility deregulation had done to small farmers and businesses in Montana.