Agency membership includes 28 public power utilities, including 23 of the State's 24 public utility districts.
But the very words "municipal utility district" inspired a wide public yawn.
The appellant is a small utility district with an elected board.
The local utility district offered the companies electricity at approximately half the national average cost as an incentive to build in the area.
The type that the utility district will buy, thin-film silicon, is similar to what pocket calculators run on.
The utility district expects to buy cells in 1998 at a cost equal to 16.3 cents per kilowatt-hour.
Newer areas have municipal utility districts, which provide sewer and water services.
This bill limits municipal utility districts in applying eminent domain.
With respect to publicly owned utility districts and cooperatives, its authority is limited to safety regulations.
The City of Houston and two utility districts priced a $219 million financing yesterday.