His sons have subsequently released a number of rail videos, utilising footage captured by Belbin.
The film was shot on location in Antarctica and also utilizes footage taken by the original expedition photographer, Frank Hurley.
Three films in a row utilized footage from this short:
The film utilizes archival footage, still images, home movies and interviews.
The film utilizes actual footage taken during the time period known as the Space Race.
Each utilizes video-like footage from select days in the defendants' lives, shown to the judges to illustrate their case.
A music video utilising footage from Live in the Tragic Kingdom was made to promote the song.
The concert also marked the first time Eminence utilised footage from the original films, games and television serials in alongside the music.
These first-person rail shooter games utilize real footage of locations around the world with Rabbids digitally inserted.
Numerous other characters re-appear through flashbacks utilizing footage from earlier films.