When walking, leg muscles do not utilize as much oxygen as they do with other more strenuous exercises.
They do not breathe during this time of low metabolism, but can utilize oxygen from the water, which they take in through the cloaca.
It was also the first production rocket stage to utilize liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as propellant.
The respiration reaction which utilizes oxygen as the oxidant is:
The decompostion of this material utilizes oxygen that is normally present in the water column.
Cold plasma machines utilize pure oxygen as the input source and produce a maximum concentration of about 5% ozone.
They broke down molecules for energy, they utilized oxygen, they received chemical signals from other cells.
Cyanide cuts off the ability of the fetus to utilize oxygen.
"We measured their maximum capacity to utilize oxygen and found an 11 percent gain at the end of 12 weeks."
Carbon monoxide bound to myoglobin may impair its ability to utilize oxygen.