Native American groups utilized parts of this plant for a number of medicinal uses.
A few mining insects utilise other parts of a plant, such as the surface of a fruit.
Johnson utilized spare parts from many different sources to refurbish the rusty hulk.
In addition, it utilised locally developed composite parts, in an effort to reduce the overall weight.
Drivers in general allow your computer to utilize parts of itself, and without them, the machine would not function.
Many purportedly irreducible structures can be found in other organisms as much simpler systems that utilize fewer parts.
Parallel techniques utilizing different parts of the brain in the thinking process helped him get eventually to the same place.
Alternative technologies will usually be deemed acceptable only in new equipment, since they cannot utilize parts of existing systems.
They utilised a special data structure to record, efficiently, parts of the screen that have been drawn, and those yet to be rendered.
In 2004, the resort experimented with a dual-park format, which connected and utilized parts of both parks.