However, I've also met some of the most intelligent, selfless and amazing people in the Army who deserve utmost admiration.
Her entourage of cultural officials stood beside her with expressions of the utmost admiration and respect.
We all have the utmost admiration for Christine's work but what of Christine Cooper and her letter?
Today one speaks within initiated circles with the utmost admiration of the brief, but prestigious dynasty of violinmakers Sgarabotti.
"I have the utmost admiration for him."
Pietersen accepted without hesitation, keen to make the most of top-class cricket under a coach for whom he had the utmost admiration.
I say that with utmost admiration.
"But I have the utmost admiration for our overseas Americans."
The approach taken by the new government, and by the prime minister in particular, calls for our utmost admiration.
But you have my utmost admiration: You did a good job covering your tracks, I must say.