Mayan's utter neglect of her mother will perhaps seem more understandable to veterans of the first novel, who remember the emotional catastrophes visited upon the daughter.
But when she saw the utter neglect the area around the mausoleum had suffered, she understood.
The routine was very much the same as that at the laboratory, in its utter neglect of the clock.
Even before the 2011 war, Libya's infrastructure was in a poor state due to "utter neglect" by Gaddafi's administration.
Here and there a lumenpanel survived, shedding a grimy glow that only served to show up the desertion of the place, its utter neglect.
The art and architectural heritage of the town is in utter neglect.
During his political career he campaigned vigorously to improve the conditions of Somalis in the 4 frontier Districts from its utter neglect and isolation.
This telephone line is no longer in service and its poles and wires lying in utter neglect continue to be stolen by thieves.
May your needlepoint suffer from years and years of utter neglect!
With increasing polarization between rich and poor, it's "one third of a nation" again, plus utter neglect of the infrastructure and deterioration of environment.