In the first scene there is a ritual dance to Hera that is utterly baffling.
A fair enough question, to be sure, but an utterly baffling one.
Similarly, one might time-travel and understand at last the unimaginable, utterly baffling process by which the solar system came into being.
But the head was held erect, the eyes locked on a Universe which must be utterly baffling.
"Simply put, the decision is utterly baffling and irrational," he said.
In other ways this new dark universe is utterly baffling, a road map to new mysteries.
And suddenly my behaviour seemed to me utterly baffling.
It is utterly baffling to the vast majority of the public, who could only dream of earning enough to pay 50p in the pound.
Japan is a country where the intriguing, the exotic, and the utterly baffling are commonplace, where little can be taken at face value.
That someone should argue against that is something that I find utterly baffling.