I, who was so indecisive about almost everything else, was utterly convinced from the moment I met Josh that this was the man who would make my life whole.
Kell orders La Forge to assassinate Vagh in a public setting before witnesses in such a manner as to utterly convince Vagh's people of Federation involvement.
She utterly convinced me that's what had happened.
Still utterly convinced this was another false alarm, I lay down again to go back to sleep.
Arlen was still not utterly convinced the man was not a dwarf . . . perhaps even a troll.
In his address, he noted that students were required to speak at their own graduations until 1897, when the graduates wrote, "We are utterly convinced that commencement speeches are altogether devoid of interest to an audience."
Reasons, however cogent, never convince utterly; but this man in Dhyana has the same commonplace certainty that a man has on waking from a nightmare.
I am as died in the wool atheist as you'll find, utterly convinced there is nothing supernatural out there.
As Christian Democrats, we are utterly convinced that competitiveness creates the safest jobs.
When Raoans are stirred to battle, however, their foes find them a difficult challenge: calm, implacable, and utterly convinced through the power of reason of the righteousness of their cause.