They were utterly cynical, corrupted by a desire for metal, and probably not very bright.
Utterly intelligent, and yet at the same time utterly cynical, ruthless, keen and cold as a sword-blade, was Shorr Kan.
As for me, when pressed to tell unofficial persons my income from whatever source, I always refuse absolutely, and on utterly cynical ground.
This article adeptly sums up the breathtakingly audacious and utterly cynical scam perpetrated by global capitalists on the rest of us.
She also felt shock that he should actually be capable of such an utterly cynical act.
The industry's rationale for delivering value is utterly cynical.
'The rest of the field couldn't compete, and it didn't occur to us that MacQuillan was utterly cynical and making pledges he meant to disregard,' he said.
It took several seconds for John to grasp the implication; he only did so then because the remark came from Pirrie and so could be founded only on an utterly cynical realism.
This is an utterly cynical act by NATO.