"Utterly featureless," Mr. Shafer said of their first glimpse of the barnlike area.
From models of suburban town houses, he has moved to generic structures, whether a Spanish courtyard or a ranch-house kitchen, all presented as collections of utterly featureless white shapes.
The two men find themselves in an utterly featureless (and inescapable) environment where they are provided solely with bland food and water.
Except for the floor, the corridor was utterly featureless except for bare light bulbs.
To the west, a flat, utterly featureless, dazzling white plain stretched out before them.
He and his Watraii escort continued down the wider, absolutely straight and utterly featureless main corridor, their footsteps echoing dully on the charcoal gray floor.
And then, beneath a black sky, there was only the asteroid surface, smooth: utterly featureless, rubbed flat by time.
It was utterly featureless save for tiny spots which might be portholes, and rocket tubes in which intermittent flames flickered.
It was small, waterless, airless, utterly featureless, utterly barren.
It was a plain, metallic sphere, utterly featureless.