If the Nairu were 4.5 percent - which would be utterly inconsistent with historical experience - you would get two years of 3.5 percent growth.
The history of Muhammad denies it outright, and the logic of Muhammad's life is utterly inconsistent with it.
"The charges against him are utterly inconsistent with Mr. Carey's well-documented lifetime in union reform."
At the same time, the torrents of decrees and laws issued over the past three years by the President and his parliaments have often been crude, contradictory and utterly inconsistent.
For to be happy or miserable without being conscious of it, seems to me utterly inconsistent and impossible.
They are utterly inconsistent with peace and stability for Israel.
Results have been utterly inconsistent.
His performance was utterly inconsistent with his past record.
This turned out to be Patrick Daly's original sworn deposition about the alleged conspiracy, which was utterly inconsistent with the testimony he had given throughout the trials.
But in the eight years since then the number of settlers has doubled: a record utterly inconsistent with the Oslo premise that Palestinians would in time rule their land.