Biographer Marc Eliot wrote in Paul Simon: A Life, "In hindsight, this seems utterly nonsensical."
The game also has typical adventure-game flaws, including crucial but easily overlooked items and a few utterly nonsensical puzzles.
You just make yourself look ridiculous when you close an extremely long, rambling comment with an utterly nonsensical comparison like that.
Howard Barnes writes in the New York Herald Tribune, "Joan Crawford acquits herself ably in an utterly nonsensical and undefined part...It's no fault of hers she cannot handle the complicated romances and double crosses in which she is involved."
I'd ask you what's wrong with Olympus, but I'm still reeling from the utterly nonsensical idea of " theologically or spiritually convincing".
So it's utterly nonsensical to talk about me being 'jealous.'
The prosecution's case, although utterly nonsensical, is accepted by the judge, who wishes to make an example out of Cartman to warn against racists.
The final twist, effective enough (though not very imaginative) as a piece of suspense plotting, has the unfortunate effect of making everything that has come before utterly nonsensical (Scott).
The suggestion that no single farm payment can be received by farmers who cultivate these crops is utterly nonsensical.