The performances, with Angela Cheng as pianist and Gillian Benet as harpist, are utterly persuasive.
"The great accomplishment" of this droll novel is "Lipman's ability to chart the course of this mismatch in an utterly persuasive way," Karen Karbo said here last year.
The reviewer called him a 'Joycean Hell's Angel' who had created from the tawdry San Francisco Tenderloin district 'an unnerving and utterly persuasive rendition of hell'.
The originality of this study derives from Morgan's utterly persuasive - and deeply disturbing - contention that slavery was "a fundamental, acceptable, thoroughly American institution."
Australia's The Age wrote, "Their performance was magnificent: majestic in style, technically without flaw, and utterly persuasive."
Told in a quartet of cryptic, densely poetic monologues, "Faith Healer" shaped an utterly persuasive reality through indirection and ambiguity.
An irrational but utterly persuasive feeling had come over him: a feeling that Roland's gun held some magical, talismanic power of protection.
For the first third of her show, she was remarkable: confident, improvisatory, utterly persuasive.
He is utterly persuasive.