What gave him his other token of naïve music's immortality was a homeless man's rough but vigorous and defiant singing of a hymn whose words utterly refuted his worldly situation: "Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet."
The newspaper's spokesman said: "The Mail on Sunday utterly refutes Hugh Grant's claim that they got any story as a result of phone hacking.
Now, I of course utterly refute this puerile concept-' 'We never said you'd inspired us, Mr Delamitri.
On the day Grant gave his evidence the Mail on Sunday issued a statement saying it "utterly refutes" the claim, adding that the information came from a freelance journalist who was "regularly speaking to Jemima Khan".
It's an answer to the question of who this man was that AN Wilson, in his book "Jesus", utterly refutes.
With his reputation and manliness so utterly refuted, he will want to make someone pay.
They deny that a step-up tube would produce the results claimed, and refute utterly the number philosophy involved.
"Notable American Women," the definitive biographical directory, seems to find Kelley's political commitment an embarrassment, calling her "dogmatic, fanatical, virtually humorless" - a portrait utterly refuted by Ms. Sterling's account of her life.
I could list the names of many many bands that utterly refute your 'dullest, blandest' statement, but you wouldn't have heard of them, because you're relying on charts and the big record labels.
I utterly refute that.