As a television exercise it was exciting, demanding and utterly unpredictable.
And all five candidates have some political experience, leaving the outcome utterly unpredictable.
How can one deal with an enemy so enigmatic, so utterly unpredictable?
But every once in a while, at some utterly unpredictable moment, one of them could save your life.
The politics of the district have made the race utterly unpredictable.
The fight over the election - over the country's very future - is now moving on several fronts, each utterly unpredictable.
Erevan is a fickle, utterly unpredictable god who can change his appearance at will.
He was the coldest man I ever saw, the most dangerous, and utterly unpredictable.
It did not matter how compelling a straight, tall, utterly unpredictable man with broad shoulders and beautiful gray eyes could be.
Chuck had a theory that women were closely related to machinery, but utterly unpredictable by logic.