The few rounds he did get off impacted on the spot DreamStar had vacated just seconds earlier.
On July 14, 2001 in Toledo, Ohio he won a battle royal to determine the new JCW Heavyweight Champion, after the title was vacated earlier.
Hannah sank down on the chair MeCaskill had vacated earlier, her cheek pressed against the top of Lily's head.
She didn't really notice the man in the seat that Pacey had vacated a few minutes earlier until he started speaking.
A crystal chandelier smashed to smithereens in the corridor they had vacated only moments earlier.
Instead she moved to the console he had vacated earlier.
Eventually, a deal was reached that gave them Memorial Stadium in Baltimore, which had been vacated a year earlier when the Orioles moved into Camden Yards.
Bria stood in the cabin that John had vacated a few hours earlier and surveyed what had to be done.
A seat was earlier vacated due to the demise of PP's popular Dr C. J. P. Paglar, who died from a stroke.
Keeping his eyes on the ground in front of him, Olsen pushed his way through the group and shambled across the slope to the sleeping bag he'd vacated earlier.