The immune response and vaccine efficacy might be less than that in immunocompetent persons.
Fear and dislike of statistics is reinforced and the 'correct' answer seems remote from the real problem of vaccine efficacy.
The 95% CI for the true vaccine efficacy is 61-86%; values outside this range are inconsistent with the known data.
Humice could theoretically be used as novel pre-clinical models of the human immune system, with uses including assessing vaccine efficacy.
We calculated the power for vaccine efficacies of 67%, 80%, and 90%.
It is believed that this improves vaccine efficacy and also avoids the need for injection.
These excessive doses may not provide realistic preclinical tests of vaccine efficacy.
The time to first infection, the primary end point of the study, was similar in the two groups, with an estimated vaccine efficacy of only 10%.
Duration of vaccine efficacy is not yet answered by rigorous methodologic trials.
Appropriate pathogen challenge models can also provide the opportunity to perform preclinical tests of vaccine efficacy.