However, this vaccine will not treat active genital warts or HPV-related cancers, and it will not cure HPV infection.
As of 2011, about one hundred medications are in development for hepatitis C. These medicines include vaccines to treat hepatitis, immunomodulators, and cyclophilin inhibitors.
An effective vaccine won't stop craving or treat any underlying pathology (making it an inadequate solution, some say), but it will make it nearly impossible for an addict to get high on that particular substance.
Therefore a vaccine made of the Edmonston strain of measles virus could treat the medulloblastoma.
The vaccine doesn't treat an HPV infection.
The vaccine does not treat shingles that has already developed.
The president proposed a new tax credit for pharmaceutical companies that develop vaccines and drugs to prevent or treat AIDS, malaria and other diseases afflicting millions of people in the third world.
This vaccine will not treat an active infection that has already developed in the body.
GlobeImmune is a private biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Louisville, Colorado, that develops therapeutic vaccines to treat cancer and infectious diseases.
Typhoid vaccine will not treat an active infection that has already developed in the body, and will not prevent any disease caused by bacteria other than Salmonella typhi.