Daniel kept his lips in a mild, slightly vacuous, smile.
Blue eyes under blond hair, a head the approximate shape of a sugar cube and a vacuous smile.
Van Effen gave him his vacuous smile and left.
So Claire threw a vacuous smile around the table, which was her way of asking an invitation to dance.
The first thing you'll do is get a haircut-and get rid of that vacuous smile.
An hour later he was totally drunk, lying flat on the floor with a vacuous smile on his face.
He forced his attention to the emperor and a vacuous smile to his face.
The only things that they've got in common are those vacuous smiles.
And from his vacuous smile, Armstrong had intended his remark to be a compliment.
The old woman cringed a bit at the sharpness of my tone, but the vacuous smile stayed on her face.