It attacks its prey with a combination of the Matamata's vacuum suction and the stabbing neck motions of other snake-necked turtles.
In some cases, vacuum suction is used to keep the film, especially 35 mm and 70 mm film, flat so that the images are in focus across the entire frame.
This allows vacuum suction through a low density table and allows the placement of parts anywhere on the table.
Apparently we were being just grazed by the vacuum suction of a fast-moving spaceship.
One way of doing so is vacuum suction, but employers frequently merely dampen the dust with either water or oil instead of actually removing it from a building.
An air-powered arm picks up the bricks from the transport using vacuum suction in addition to forks and grippers.
This palletizer is also powered by air and uses vacuum suction in addition to forks and grippers to pick up each Cash-Pack.
The liquid to be filtered is poured into the cylinder and drawn through the perforated plate by vacuum suction.
The filling product is fed into the feed system mechanically via a hopper with actively driven feeding auger, as well as via vertical "vacuum suction".
VelaSmooth uses infrared light, mechanical rollers and vacuum suction to soften the bands that cause dimpling.