Xicay went for the vacuum truck, and in moments it pulled through the opening in the back fence.
Cleanup crews using vacuum trucks and skimmers recovered another 36,000 gallons of oil.
About 150 workers used 25 vacuum trucks and several skimmers to clean up the oil throughout the day yesterday.
After detection of the leak, booms and vacuum trucks were deployed.
Mr. Glywasky said the two workers left the vicinity of the vacuum truck for unexplained reasons just before the fire started.
Applicant is restricted against leased-operators or owner operators that would exceed the total number of fifteen (15) vacuum trucks; and 3.
"We have six skimmers and 26 vacuum trucks out there," Captain North said.
About 46,000 barrels of oily water had been recovered by vacuum trucks and skimmers.
The kill was temporarily closed to traffic as a cleanup crew - skimming ships, vacuum trucks, work boats and environmental workers - arrived on the scene.
Municipalities typically have large vacuum trucks that perform this task.