Most of the women agreed with delay of vaginal surgery until adolescence or later, and many felt inadequately informed about the details of their condition.
In one case, Dr. Benjamin was accused of continuing vaginal surgery after the patient complained that the local anesthetic had worn off.
He insisted that he was the aggrieved party, even though his wife had been so damaged by the rapes she required vaginal surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery offers certain advantages when vaginal surgery is not possible but has also the disadvantage of significantly longer time required for the surgery.
At age 14, still unaware of her past or her Y chromosome, she refused to continue living as a girl or to have any more vaginal surgery.
Recently, laser technology has been introduced by some surgeons for "vaginal rejuvenation" and other vaginal surgeries to replace the traditional scalpel.
They may present as a complication of vaginal surgery, including vaginal hysterectomy.
Demir is most famous for his work surrounding advancements in laparoscopic hysterectomy and vaginal surgery.
These experiments set the stage for modern vaginal surgery.