Cut to a year later, we find Smash the half-ogre traveling to the Good Magician Humfrey seeking to solve a vague dissatisfaction about himself.
Greg lay beside me sipping from the glass he'd been given while I tried to push aside wide, unformed thoughts of vague dissatisfaction, and he smiled when my eyes finally came to his face.
He also identified the "vague dissatisfaction" he had always had with his paintings: "They didn't move."
He was conscious of a vague dissatisfaction, an inexplicable sense of frustration.
But she felt a vague dissatisfaction with everything she wrote, even when the sensation was shot through with pride.
It was the first time she'd set eyes upon the man who was master after God aboard War Maiden, and her first impression was one of vague dissatisfaction.
During the last decade, he had become aware of an increasing restlessness and a vague dissatisfaction with a life that was too comfortable and well-ordered.
Running a hand through his hair, Justin wondered why he should feel this vague dissatisfaction when he had everything he'd ever wanted.
Interspersed letters from Joe to Rebecca help navigate this complex subnarrative; one welcomes the assistance while feeling a vague dissatisfaction with the artifice of it all.
She tried, from time to time, to go back to tea, but somehow it left her with a vague yearning in her stomach, a vague dissatisfaction, that only coffee satisfied.